
Blog >> Metaverse >> AR You (Probably) Already Use

AR You (Probably) Already Use

ar you already use

Hello, and welcome to another post about the Metaverse! Today, we’ll be talking about the augmented reality (AR) you already use. A lot of folks simply don’t understand the concept of AR and the Metaverse, and they certainly don’t realize they’re probably already using some kind of AR in their everyday lives. Today, we’ll dive into that exact topic and show you how AR is already a part of your world—whether you want it to be or not—in the hopes that you’ll see how prevalent AR already is. If you’re ready to dive in, grab a comfy blanket, snuggle in, and let’s get to it.

If you’re new to our Metaverse series, you’re probably wondering what the difference between AR and VR (virtual reality) is. Let’s sum that up before we go on. AR is your reality (the stuff around you in real life) with virtual elements overtop. VR is a whole virtual world, and it includes none of the world around you in real life. Simple.

Now that you understand what both are, let’s go into how AR works.

If you have a device with a lens (this includes cameras and cell phones), you can access AR. That lens will serve as a conduit to superimpose other items over whatever it is you happen to be looking at.

One great example, that’s very popular, happens to be Pokémon GO. That’s right, all those cute critters and the actions needed to catch them are part of the AR world. Every time you go hunting for new Pokémon, you’re altering the world around you virtually with the lens of your cellphone camera. That alteration can then be seen on the screen only. This is the very crux of what AR does. If you can visualize it, you can think of a billion things that can be done with this technology, and we have a super amazing blog post that dives into it in detail and discusses how businesses might use it to their advantage. You can check it out here:

Is that surprising? Maybe not, and maybe you already realized Pokémon GO was a part of the Metaverse using AR technology. Most of you probably realized it was something else, but what, you likely had no idea. Now you do. Even more surprising is the list I’ll be giving you here in a second that will contain at least one app you’ve either used in the past or that you use daily.

Most of these things use something known as LiDAR. I won’t go into what that is or how it works so this article will stay short, but you can read more about it on Wiki here:

Before we get into the list, though, I’d like you to think about why all of this matters and how it might be put to use in the future—a future you’re probably already realizing isn’t that far away. After all, we went from janky, bulky bag phones to handheld computers in just thirty years, and the Metaverse has already been around for a while. We’re progressing by leaps and bounds with technology, and we’re doing it faster than ever before. I digress. Back to the topic at hand…

So, what will a broader launch of the Metaverse mean in the future for AR? It will mean the very glasses you have on your face—whether prescription or blue-light-blocking glasses—will be able to grant you access to this wider world before you know it. You’ll have things just like Pokémon GO at your disposal in a much broader way than ever before. No longer will you need your phone to hunt; you’ll be able to just stick your glasses on your face and get to it.

As I said in one of my other articles, the sheer possibilities of the potential for marketing is mind boggling.

Now, I suppose you’ll be wanting that list, right? I feel like I’ve explained enough of what AR is for you to understand how these apps are classified that way. Without further ado…


1. Snapchat – That’s right! Filters are considered AR.

2. Clips – To make that crazy star path, you use AR.

3. ARki – For those design nuts out there, this is a VERY cool app.

4. DSLR Camera – For quick removal of items or backgrounds. You can also move stuff that’s sitting behind your subject.

5. AR Quick Look – Home design for shopping. See it in a room before buying.

6. IKEA Place – I think this one is pretty self explanatory.

7. Houzz – Paint rooms, add furniture, and do some reno planning!

8. Holo – Holograms in your living room!

9. TikTok – That’s right. Filters are AR, remember?

I could go on and on, but you get the idea, right? So be secure in the fact that you already use AR, and VR isn’t a huge leap beyond that. It’s not technology to fear; it’s truly something that can, if not used obsessively, be a wonderful tool to enhance our world.

And for all you creators out there, seek out the creation tools that enable you to provide content for the AR and VR worlds. You’re needed.

I hope you all enjoyed this post and that you stick around to read some of the other cool stuff we have on our blog. Until next time!


Jo Michaels

Marketing Coordinator

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