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5 Ways to Increase Followers on Social Media Platforms

ways to increase followers on social media

We all know that in order to get the word out, we have to have direct access to our consumers’ eyes and ears. That’s a tall order that isn’t easily filled. After all, there are many social media platforms we’d all like to increase engagement on, but the bigger question always looms: How do I accomplish that?

Here are 10 ways to increase your followers on your social media platforms (and yes, these tactics work across all of them except building an email list):

1. Have consistent branding across all platforms.

Even if you couldn’t snag the username you wanted on a particular platform, you can still be consistent with your imagery and logo. This will help customers interested in your product or service find you—even if your name is different.

2. Post engaging content.

If you happen to own a bakery, perhaps you have a day where you only talk about pies. When that day rolls around, post memes, photos, and how-tos. Memes will help engagement on the likes, loves, etc. front; photos will help people see what you offer; and how-tos will engage those interested in your flavors. Engagement is getting people to interact with your stuff in any way so the algos recognize you as relevant and put your content in front of more people.

3. Post consistently.

Get people used to seeing new stuff from you on a regular basis. There are a ton of aggregates out there that allow you to schedule ahead, too, so you’re not always having to be online and posting new stuff. If you decide you want to post on a MWF schedule, always post on those days. Consumers like consistency.

4. Share posts by others.

This may seem like a no-brainer activity, but you’d be surprised at how many businesses don’t share content created by others. Not only is it free content you don’t have to think much about, it’s also showing other businesses you’re willing to work with them. There are millions of consumers in the world; there’s no way one company can handle them all. So share, and show your willingness to collaborate.

5. Get engaged.

Also seems like a no-brainer suggestion, right? Many companies simply throw content into the ether, without thinking about it once its published. But that’s a huge mistake. People who share, like, comment, or watch are people interested in what you’re saying. Invite them to follow or like your page or account, answer them if they ask a question, and comment on other things that aren’t your own. You might be surprised at how quickly your following grows when you simply put forth the effort.

6. (BONUS ITEM). Hold a giveaway for comments, shares, or subscriptions.

A lot of folks will tell you not to do this, and you can’t make any of these actions a requirement for an entry, but having people perform an action on one of your channels for a chance to win a prize is a great way to increase your numbers. If any of those folks end up not enjoying your content (you’ll make sure that doesn’t happen though), they can always unfollow or unsubscribe later. You’re missing out on something much bigger if you don’t use this avenue.

I hope these tips bring you many more followers for your social media accounts. Put them into action and see what happens!

If you’d like more tips and tricks about social media, check out our page here:


Jo Michaels

Marketing Coordinator

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