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Is Artificial Intelligence the Future?

Artificial Intelligence the Future

Hello all, and welcome to another blog post! Today, we’re talking about all the ways Artificial Intelligence (AI) is impacting us now and how it might do so in the near future. If you’re ready to dive into some heavy reading, strap in, and let’s get to it.

AI is everywhere you look. It’s in your phone (Siri, Google, etc.), your house (Alexa, smart home management devices, etc.), and even in your car—if you’re fancy—in the form of self-drive modes or automatic adjustments when it knows you’re the one driving. So, AI is already being used by millions, and maybe even billions, of people.

I bet you’re wondering, if that’s the case, why everyone is suddenly up in arms about everything transpiring, right?

Well, it’s because AI just took a leap forward, and it all started with Chat GPT. This AI software not only recently wrote a book the author later published, but it’s also about to be implemented by Microsoft to enhance their search engine, Bing (if the $10B deal goes through, that is), and that will change everything.

If Microsoft gets their hands on Chat GPT, it’ll be implemented in more ways than you can imagine. You’ll soon be interacting with the AI in games, online, and in real life scenarios. There are many who tout AI as the future of technology, but the real power of OpenAI’s baby will come once it’s merged with the Metaverse, either through AR or VR technology. Imagine printing a recipe only to have your computer make a shopping list of ingredients for you or being able to clothes shop without leaving the house, the suggestions presented based on what’s already in your closet, and seeing how they fit/look without trying anything on.

But there’s more. OpenAI’s Chat GPT can also write code in Python, which means a ton of programmers should also be on the lookout for new skills. Jobs across the board are becoming erroneous. What happens when an AI programmed robot takes over millions of jobs previously held by people?

If you happened to be at the CES conference in Vegas this last week, you saw the new and exciting technology on display there, and you probably noticed a lot of it runs on AI. With Chat GPT launching to the forefront, it’s powerful AI will likely replace what’s currently implemented, and that means forward leaps like we’ve only seen a few times in history.

We detail a lot of these leaps and bounds here on the CloudQ blog, so if you’re a regular reader, you probably have a good idea of what we’re talking about.

Let’s think about this in terms of developer jobs being taken over by AI. Here’s an example of what that might look like:

You have a position as a developer at a specific company, and you’ve been at your job for over ten years. You know the ins and outs of the platform. No one at your company is better at your job than you are. You’re ace at solving issues that arise, and when someone comes with a problem they’re facing, you can tell at a glance what they did wrong. Salary-wise, you’re making around $250k per year. There are five of “you” on the team you’re on, but there are several more working at the company.

The company purchases AI, and they allow it to log and learn everything that has been done since they became a company. They pay $2M for the technology.

Everyone freaks out because they’re afraid their job will become obsolete.

Six months pass, and everyone forgets the AI was ever a thing because they haven’t seen anything done with it since it was purchased. Little did they know, the AI was logging every keystroke they made, sorting, and learning.

Finally, the AI is put to the test, and you’re the one challenging it. You’re both presented with two tasks: 1. Troubleshoot an implementation, find out where it’s buggy, and fix it. 2. Create a whole new customer-service cloud and implement it as quickly as possible.

You pull up the first task and start looking over the code. It takes you two hours, but you get everything fixed (yes, I’m being generous—this is just an example), and you move on to the second task. Just as you’re opening a new file to start, someone knocks on your office door to tell you the challenge is over.

Come to find out, the AI finished in fifteen minutes, but people thought you deserved a sporting chance.

The entire developer workforce gets a pink slip the next day.

If you’re the company, this is a brilliant move. You’ve saved yourself millions of dollars in the long run. If you’re a developer, you’re in trouble. Your skills were specifically for the company that just told you they didn’t need you any longer.

As you can clearly see, AI isn’t just threatening the jobs of writers and artists. Everyone’s job is on the potential chopping block, so we better hope the technology doesn’t leap forward too far at a time.

We hope you enjoyed this article! If you did, stay around and read some of our other stuff. We promise it’s not all this depressing. Until next time!


Jo Michaels

Marketing Coordinator

cloudq cloud

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